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Daddy Date Night: Fathers's Day Edition @ Little Explorers PH, A Night to Remember!

$25.95 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
**Father's Day: Daddy Date Night**

Children are our gems, and what’s more important than spending quality time together!?

❣️ Open play with inside
❣️ Bonding craft-tivies and Bubbles
❣️ Music and glow dance party
❣️ Pizza, juice, and water provided

❤️ Admission is only $25.99 for an adult and one child, siblings $5 additional

*P.S Little Explorers’ Members receive 20% off evening events (including this event!)*

RSVP'S and Socks Always Required

Dress up if it suits you (you're both already cute!) for Daddy Date Night and come celebrate Father's Day with a dedicated night for just daddies and their kids to laugh and play together!

If daddy can’t attend; invite granddaddies, uncles and stepdaddies, moms, caregivers, and that amazing friend to come along too!